text :
1. "To the Edge of Other Days"
from "Time-less" installation, 2016
2. "The Mansion"
shot list for a horror film, 2014
3. "Enthusiasm and Coercion"
theater prologue for "Camp Victory Megamix" video, 2012
4. "Deep Freeze"
an account of two years' time, 2010
5. "The Story of Rats"
screenplay adaptation of Bataille's
novel, 2006
6. "Chapter X"
from 'Le Malacologue' roman collectif, 2007
7. "The Red Flags
of Talking Green: Semantic
Trickery and Can-Do Paralysis," 2007
8. "Discursive
Bodies: The Corpses
of Georges Bataille's The Blue of Noon," 2006
9. "Tragedy,
Scenery and Subjugation: The
Cinema of Marguerite Duras/ Alain Resnais,
Jan Svankmajer, and Peter
Greenaway," 2006
10. "Acting In, Acting Out: Ritual
and Violence in the Female Characters of Georges Bataille and Jean Genet," 2005